Here are the different life insurance policies we have available to offer, namely :
Term Life
An insurance plan that covers the insured for a certain period of time, not for his or her
entire life. The most inexpensive plan, initially.
* Universal Life Insurance
insurance plan with periodically-adjusted returns tied to short-term interest rates and/or variable investments.
Whole Life Insurance
An insurance plan with premiums payable throughout a person's life.
This is a participating policy, earning dividends to buy additional insurance, thereby increasing insurance
* 15-Pay Life / 20-Pay Life
These are " limited-premium-payment " plans where you pay more premiums but only for a limited number
of years and the insurance protections carries on for your lifetime. An excellent deal if you can afford
the premiums.
* Med - Free Life Insurance
An insurance plan for people between the ages of 56 to 80 issued with no medical underwriting
if applicant satisfies only five health questions.